: Ethanol
Used in Antifreeze,Perfume&Paint industry
Used as the Antifreeze,Solvent&Fuel
: Buthyl Hhydreate
Used in producing Polymers,Pharmaceutical,Pyroksylyn,Plastic,Esters of Herbicides&Butyle xanthate
: Benzyle Alcohol
Used in soap, Perfume, Flavorings &Solvents
: Methyl Alcohol
Used in Bueaty&Sanitry industry, like as Creams(ointment) types
: Benzoic Acid
Used in producing Benzyl Chlorid,Phenols&Food preservatives
: Poly vinyl Alcohol
Used in sizing Textiles,Adhesives,produsing stabilizer collides in polymerization of emulsion,Fiber &poly vinyl Butyrate&Sizing paper.
: Iso propyl Alcohol
Uesd in pharmaceutical,bueaty&sanitry industry.
: Svlfasyk Asid
Used as the anti sediment&srong asid cleaners in chemical industry as the Catalyst in producing Resin Urea Formaldehyde
: Carboxy methyl cellulose
Used in strengthening of agricultural soil,watering dry eara,animal nutrition&producing match etc…
: Paraphin
Used in sanitry &buteaty industry,cream types&sun creames
: Sulfur
: Lubkat
used as solvent
: Pro furfural extract
Used in produsing rubber like as automobile tire,shoes,industrial tubes,wire&cable coatings,floor coatings,solvents,dams,fluid,adhesives,polishiners &industrial soot
used as the primary substance in producing oil types like as motor oil,gear oil&hydraulic oil