PAYAM AFSHAR Petroleum Market

PAYAM AFSHAR Petroleum Market

PAYAM AFSHAR Petroleum Market

PAYAM AFSHAR Petroleum Market

PAYAM  AFSHAR  Petroleum  Market

founded 1991
management Hadi Mohammadi
tel:989 120 328 673
fax:(98)33 250 897

Tabriz/Iran office:No.7G,7 Th. floor,Blure tower,Daneshghah SQ. Abrasan St.
Tehran/Iran office:No.2endfloor,2nd alley,Gandi St.
tel:(98)332 508 94-95

آخرین مطالب

Wax slaps- Iron ore - Manganese

دوشنبه, ۱۶ آذر ۱۳۹۴، ۱۰:۴۳ ق.ظ | علی افشار | ۰ نظر

: Wax  slaps usage

 It is a side refinery product ,used in producing Bitumin & water proof isolators

: Iron ore usage

it is the primary substances of steel, used wildly  in outo mobile manufacturing& instruction industry.

: Manganese usage

In producing Iron alloys &Cast iron


Anti-foaming agent

دوشنبه, ۱۶ آذر ۱۳۹۴، ۱۰:۳۸ ق.ظ | علی افشار | ۰ نظر

: Anti-foaming agent

Used in  factories in producing  industrial colors ,Textile industry, Cementing  process of walls of oil wells,removing the foam in the in paper production0 process in wood& paper factories.


Hydrogen Peroxide

دوشنبه, ۱۶ آذر ۱۳۹۴، ۱۰:۳۳ ق.ظ | علی افشار | ۰ نظر

: Hydrogen Peroxide

Its mostly used in cleaning plating baths, Whitening wood, Hair dressing and beauty industry, producing chemical products, also in strengthening  Asides powers.

Methanol- phenol

دوشنبه, ۱۶ آذر ۱۳۹۴، ۱۰:۱۶ ق.ظ | علی افشار | ۰ نظر

: Methanol

used as  the fuel in engines  with the internal combustion

: Phenols or Gasoilne

  It is genrelly used  as  a chemical  in producing  phenolic resin,base phenol A & Alkyl phenol



Mono Ethylene Glycol

دوشنبه, ۱۶ آذر ۱۳۹۴، ۱۰:۰۲ ق.ظ | علی افشار | ۰ نظر

: Mono Ethylene Glycol (MEG) usag

 Producing  polymers & Fibres,Polyester,Bottles& Labels.


: Di Ethylene Glycol (DEG) usage

As the solvents in oil & Gas industry, In Dehydrating  from natural gas & other gases & as an inductor in process of producing polyester raisins(Unsaturated)&polyurethane.


Acids& Alcohols

يكشنبه, ۱۵ آذر ۱۳۹۴، ۱۲:۵۶ ب.ظ | علی افشار | ۰ نظر

: Ethanol

Used in Antifreeze,Perfume&Paint industry

: Methyle alcohol

 Used  as the Antifreeze,Solvent&Fuel

: Buthyl Hhydreate

Used in producing Polymers,Pharmaceutical,Pyroksylyn,Plastic,Esters of Herbicides&Butyle xanthate


: Benzyle Alcohol

Used  in soap, Perfume, Flavorings &Solvents

: Methyl Alcohol

Used in Bueaty&Sanitry industry, like as Creams(ointment) types

: Benzoic Acid

Used in producing Benzyl Chlorid,Phenols&Food preservatives


: Poly vinyl Alcohol

Used in sizing Textiles,Adhesives,produsing stabilizer collides in polymerization  of emulsion,Fiber &poly vinyl Butyrate&Sizing paper.

: Iso propyl Alcohol

 Uesd in pharmaceutical,bueaty&sanitry industry.

: Svlfasyk Asid

 Used  as the  anti sediment&srong asid cleaners  in chemical industry as the Catalyst in producing Resin Urea Formaldehyde


Car boxy methyl cellulose-Paraffin-Sulfur

يكشنبه, ۱۵ آذر ۱۳۹۴، ۱۲:۲۴ ب.ظ | علی افشار | ۰ نظر

: Carboxy methyl cellulose

Used in strengthening of agricultural soil,watering dry eara,animal nutrition&producing match etc…

: Paraphin

Used in sanitry &buteaty industry,cream types&sun creames

: Sulfur

 it is  used in produsing many compounds like as Nitrate cellulose,Cellulose asstate,Hydroxyl ethyle  cellulose ,Carboxy methyle cellulose



يكشنبه, ۱۵ آذر ۱۳۹۴، ۱۲:۱۴ ب.ظ | علی افشار | ۰ نظر

: Used in

Sanitary&Cellulose industry


Motor vehicle industry

 bag& shoes-suit-furniture-carpet etc


Mazot M100 Russia

يكشنبه, ۱۵ آذر ۱۳۹۴، ۱۲:۰۹ ب.ظ | علی افشار | ۰ نظر

Russian Product

used as the furnace fuel

Lubkat-Pro furfural extract-base oil

يكشنبه, ۱۵ آذر ۱۳۹۴، ۱۲:۰۲ ب.ظ | علی افشار | ۰ نظر

: Lubkat

used as solvent

: Pro furfural extract

Used in produsing   rubber like as automobile tire,shoes,industrial  tubes,wire&cable coatings,floor coatings,solvents,dams,fluid,adhesives,polishiners &industrial soot

: Base oil

used as  the primary substance in producing  oil types like as motor oil,gear oil&hydraulic oil